Future City未来城市大赛
源于美国 “未来之城”大赛由美国全国工程师周基金会(National Engineer Week Foundation)组织,面向全球初中生和小学生的一个教育课程和赛事活动,距今已超过25年历史,旨在帮助青少年通过项目制的学习方式,对科学、艺术、技术、工程学和数学等相关学科...
Sager Education organizes students to participate in a variety of international STEAM competitions covering mathematics, programming, robotics, and STEAM Fair, providing students with an excellent opportunity to broaden their horizons, exercise their abilities and meet friends. At the same time, the high-level competitions also enriched the student resumes, helping to apply for the prestigious schools in North America!