Botball起源于美国麻省理工大学 ( MIT),经过 18 年的发展 现今此项竞赛已经成长为美国乃至国际上具有非凡影响力的青少年教育机器人活动。 Botball的赞助者则是包括了美国国家航空航天局、 iRobot公司、美国海军实验室、俄克拉荷马大学等诸多在机器人和科技教...
Sager Education organizes students to participate in a variety of international STEAM competitions covering mathematics, programming, robotics, and STEAM Fair, providing students with an excellent opportunity to broaden their horizons, exercise their abilities and meet friends. At the same time, the high-level competitions also enriched the student resumes, helping to apply for the prestigious schools in North America!